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Below you can select the author you wish to order your book from.

Lina Petersdotter Johansson – Nordic countries
Lina will ship your book to the nordic countries (and the rest of europe if needed).

Lina Hansson – Nordic countries
Lina will ship your book to the nordic countries (and the rest of europe if needed).

Cheri Pallett – USA
Cheri will ship your book to the whole of USA.

Melanie Kassing Ebersole – USA
Melanie will ship your book to the whole of USA.

Jennie Carlsson – Nordic countries
Jennie will ship your book to the nordic countries.

Marieke Haver – Netherlands
Marieke will ship your book to Netherlands (and Belgium if needed).

Saskia Iten – Switzerland
Saskia will ship your book to the Switzerland (and to Germany and Austria if needed).

Johanna Rosendal – Nordic countries
Johanna will be shipping to the Nordic countries.

Madelaine – Nordic countries
Madelaine will be shipping to the Nordic countries.

Danielle Scepanovic
– Canada
Danielle will be shipping to the whole of Canada.

Elsie Reford
– Canada, USA
Elsie will be shipping to the whole of Canada and USA.