Biography, Elisabeth Blomgren – Sweden

October 13, 2022 | Blog posts | 0 comments

For me, communication is everything and nothing at the same time. Communication is unlimited,
uncountable, and often unseen. I try to inspire others to listen, and I love guiding them to find their path
to inner wisdom.

Since I was a kid, animals have been more important than most humans. With this, I mean all species. I
have cared for rattlesnakes when the professionally hired caretaker didn’t.

People have, for me, always been more difficult to understand than animals. That might be why
communication was my primary subject in university for several years. My assessments showed that the
ability to respect and listen were the keys to success. These things were also the most difficult to evoke.
People were so busy in their own minds that listening wasn’t possible. They were trying to defend
themselves from imaginary threats. I know now that communication is so much more than what I learned
back then.

With my horses, I managed to find better and better trainers that continuously gave me more subtle
tools. And finally, I learned that it was the same with horses as with us. That the keys to success was
listening and respect. I could drop my own agenda.

When my father died in 2004, I fell into Brandon Bays journey concept. My first lesson from this was that
there is always light behind no matter what kind of dark feelings you have. Whey you know by heart that
you always have a safe road, something in your life changes. And so it did. Life never turned back. Now,
I could heal myself to a certain level, but it was not until Bart Smyth’s weekend course in the Yuen
method that I got the tools to heal others. In the last few years, my awareness has upgraded. I have flow
and lightness in all directions. I see magic every day.

A year and a half ago, a kick to the face forced me to develop self-love, self-respect, and self-value. This
has given me tranquility, joy and more fun. Just by placing myself first, everything else settles in. I get
more time with my horse; I get more time in my garden; I get more laughs, art, and singing. I get more
work done, both mentally and physically. It gives me a better relationship with my kids, dogs, cats and

My vision is – I want this to grow. Self-love, self-value, and self-respect are reachable for all of us. All of
us are worthy of being in peace, finding our truths, and having the power to walk our own paths.
Exploring energies, being on adventures. Finding balance and enjoying the storm from there. Singing
with others, experiencing freedom and happiness. Everything is possible.

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