Saskia was born and grew up in a small village in the south of Germany. Since a little girl, she felt very connected to the elemental force of nature and all kinds of animals, specially to horses.
After finishing her studies, she started traveling around the world to get to know different origin cultures and discover a way of life connected to nature. This search took her on a deep journey; living and working in several eco-villages and community projects in Europe and South America where she learned a lot about medical plants, energy healing, astrology, tarot, channeling, and chakra-work.
More than 6 years ago she settled down in the mountains of Argentina, where she founded the learning and healing space Caballo Cosmico “Cosmic Horse”. In this heart project, she unites energy work, her knowledge of astrology, coaching, and her awareness of the horses’ sacred wisdom.
Caballo Cosmico holds a space for children and adults, who desire to connect with horses and the force of nature in different ways. Together with her horses, Saskia helps humans to connect with their essence, receive messages from the horses and nature in order to realize their purpose in life and live the way they are dreaming of.
In Caballo Cosmico Saskia also gives individual or group coaching sessions, teaches astrology, reads astral maps, and does energy work (Aqualead and Reiki) for humans and animals. All sessions and courses can be completed online and presential.